Articles and Discipleship Tools

For a list of the top 100 articles by Dr. Stephen Phinney, Dr. Joseph Kezele (Creationism), Dr. Emily Edwards (Living Hope), Dr. Glenn Wagnor (Living Leadership), Dr. Charles Solomon (Exchanged Life) and Voddiee Baucham Jr. (Biblical Worldview) click on the archive link below.

Archived Articles:

We have provided an additional service to our e-community - that of posting the past 100+ e-mail articles from selected issues. If you are in need of a particular issue that is not posted, please contact us and we will "dig" through our library and forward it on to you.

We will send you via e-mail and/or snail mail any of the follow resources.  Please select the article or discipleship tool you would like, type the title in the "Title Box," click "Add To Cart" - repeat these steps for each product request.  That's it!

Once placing your order, please consider helping our ministry financially on a regular basis.  Thank you!

1.  A Father Made In Heaven by Stephen Phinney
2.  Age Is Everything (Creationism Evangelism) by Dr. Joseph Kezele
3.  Be Still by Dr. Emily Edwards
4.  Complete & Perfect Love by Dr. Edwards
5.  Forgiving Others by Phinney
6.  Freedom of Forgiveness (Seeking Forgiveness from Others) by Phinney
7.  Knowing Your Calling by Phinney
8.  Personal & Professional Timeline of Steve Phinney IOM America
9.  Prayer & Share Booklet IOM America
10. Proud People by Nancy Leigh DeMoss
11. Resting in the Storm by Phinney
12. Roots of Humility by Phinney
13. The Art of Spiritual Warfare by Phinney
14. Husband Evaluation IOM
15. Wife Evaluation IOM
16. Self-Life Evaluation (11 page evaluative tool)
17. Seven Areas of Life Evaluation (9 page evaluative tool)
18. Knowing Your Spiritual Gifts (article) Phinney
19. Discipleship and Student Life (article—integrative discipleship) Phinney
20. Leadership Questionnaire (7 page evaluative tool)
21. Male Inventory (7 page evaluative tool)
22. Sexual Temptation Check-List (evaluative tool)
23. Spiritual Gifts Questionnaire (full scale evaluative tool)
24. Unrepentant Repenter by Jim Elliff

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